In the Continuation and Real Track of the True American Destiny |
Children of Light
Know Their Fruits! |
1. The
Parts to Total Life, Liberty and Happiness—Forever |
"From the Crooked Timber of Humanity, No Straight
Thing Can
Be Made"
Immanuel Kant
"... We must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.
A man can't ride you unless your back is bent."—
A House or Structure is Built on
the Shape of Its Foundation
and Happiness
to Hold These Eternal Things in Place—Forever
in Time—Both
for Ourselves and Posterity
never change things by fighting the existing reality.
change something, build a new model [foundation]
that makes the old model obsolete"
Buckminster Fuller
All Welcome!
2. The Holistic Framework |
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and the Experience of the American Colonies |
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"You Cannot Serve Both God |
The American Colonists showed us The Way and set us on the right track to Total Life, Liberty and Happiness through the proper creation, use and purpose of money as it exists in a Holistic framework that has a moral basis—the absence of usury or interest. |
he following excerpts are from a historical account given through a radio address by Congressman Charles G. Binderup of Nebraska, some 50+ years ago and was reprinted in "Unrobing the Ghosts of Wall Street."
"It was the monetary system under which America's Colonies
flourished to such an extent that Edmund Burke was able to write
about them: 'Nothing in the history of the world resembles their
progress. It was a sound and beneficial system, and its effects
led to the happiness of the people.'" This is why the 1776
American Revolutionary War for Independence happened—after
experiencing their greatest happiness together, the Colonists
were now subject to an oppressive system of money with its
highly negative and detrimental effects.
Morality—Virtue, Character, Ethics and Values—Regaining Our |
Morality—as it derives from the Ten Commandments, Christianity and Islam as an ethical context of Life which includes virtue, character, values and the well being of both the individual and society—holds in check degeneracy, death and destruction of individuals, families, society, nations, and world while propelling forward the "Help All Harm None" soul ethic and essence through the personal, societal, environmental and universal levels of life. The ethical context of Life derived from the world's wisdom traditions and sacred books are the training wheels for the complete mastery of self—through inner self-governance, discipline and alignment to the Light—
without the need for any external master or government for that matter. In Thomas Jefferson's words, [the ethical and moral context of Life] tracks towards "governing ourselves without a master" as a higher level and state of the Human being which needs no overbearing external authority nor regulation.
5. The
Gaining and Sharing of
Knowledge |
Knowledge, including philosophical and Enlightened, expands the Human mind to both higher and deeper levels of consciousness and being, and fulfills the highest point—our value needs—on the psychologist, Abraham Maslow's "Pyramid of Human [Universal] Needs
for self-actualization or one's unique Divine purpose where a Human being can be all that he or she can be, and more—after all other Human universal physical needs are fulfilled.
Unity and the "God Forward" Evolution of Humanity |
Joy is the culmination
of money: (a) [the lubricant energy / medium] for the
fulfillment of the pyramid of Human
[universal] needs (i.e. for all
Human beings on the Planet); (b) morality: [sacred law and
dignified space within each and every Human being as it
intersects with the Light, Joy and Blessings of the Creator];
(c) the sharing—receiving
and giving—of both wisdom and knowledge and, (d) the
attainment of one's unique
and Divine purpose creating peace, joy and synergy within one's
life, with others, and
The sum effect is that the Human race experiences both deeper
and higher levels of joy, together, onward and upward toward the "God-forward of Evolution*"
(Teilhard de Chardin).
It is where we are no longer inhibited by any artificial
authoritarian boundaries and perceived divisions or divisiveness
because we are now in the One True Creator Reality—"Under
God"—of total
Life, Liberty and Happiness.
Through a system that serves God, and no longer Mammon, we drop
all suffering and harm to all Life and accelerate our natural
conscious Evolution
toward our Creator (Unity consciousness) who draws us to Him as One through His unconditional
deep Love and Divine mercy for His Children—as we
begin to experience Him
fully in the world
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last"
— Revelation 22:13"It is not
our heads or our bodies which we must bring together, but our
hearts. . . . Humanity. . . is building its composite brain
beneath our eyes. May it not be that tomorrow, through the
logical and biological deepening of the movement drawing it
together, it will find its heart, without which the
ultimate wholeness of its power of unification can never be
achieved?" Ref.
* * *
God Forward of Evolution holds for All.
We also find a concurrence with a "God in Evolution" in the
American Declaration of Independence
opening paragraph through the terminology of "Nature's
God, and at the end of the Declaration the reference to
Divine Providence" as a
guiding force not apart from [an evolving] Creation.
Indeed, the Founding Documents themselves were an act of
[R]Evolution with God through a devolving reality of Tyranny and
Oppression. In the East's wisdom knowledge, we find the
same conceptual framework of an evolving Reality on a personal basis through Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi's "Seven
States of Consciousness."
The Continuation
and Real Track of the True
Movement in the Holistic Framework |
Creating Sovereign, Knowledgeable and Free-Moving Human Beings
Producers to Consumers, Small Business Owners
Farmers to People, Educators to Students, Moral
Manners and American Freedom Betterment Lessons
to Citizens, Networks to
the Needy, Creative
Solutions for the Non-Harming
of the Planet;
Earth's Own Natural and
Nutritious Food to All
The Movement is Carried Out All on a "Help All
Harm None"
Dynamic and Ethic
in the Backdrop of the Fulfillment of the
Pyramid of Human Needs
In the American Spirit
Money as
the Means |
A short little excerpt of American history:
Citizens of Liberty
“King George's Usurping Acts caused the Colonists
To Repeal them he was petitioned o'er in vain; Then a
prayer was uttered by each patriot breath, Oh Lord!
Oh, "Give me Liberty, or give me death."
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Money is the Means:
"Money and the Experience of the American
Live-Thrive-Prosper System of Expansion
Getting from Here to There
A No-Harm Foundation on which to Build
On Our Planetary Home
Accelerating our Climb to the Real Track of the True |
$1,000,000 for the
Fulfillment of the
Pyramid of Human Universal Needs
be Deposited in Every Citizens' of Liberty Bank Account
Within and for the Context of the Right
Economic and Planetary Life
Private Property as
the Right of All
— Children Inherit from the Father |
The Earth Belongs to God
Earth is the
and the fullness thereof;
the world, and they that dwell therein” –
Psalm 24
The Children of God Inherit Their
Father's Land
where All Life is ONE
"By this the Children of God and the Children of the Devil
[who enslave
the Children of God and destroy the Earth] are
obvious: anyone who
does not practice righteousness (right use of one's Soul-Life-
is not of God, nor the one who
does not love his brother"
1 John 3:10
Life Abundant
"Under God"
*to Make a House a Home;
*to be Good Stewards of What They Own;
*to Value the Nuclear Family;
*to Both Teach and Learn the Way of Christ:
[the Archetypal Deep Love and Imprint of the Creator in Creation];
*to Provide the Opportunity for Quality Education;
Self Actualize and Find and Fulfill
One's Unique Divine Purpose;
We can Learn from Children to Make a Happy World
The Earth
is Not Simply a World But a Temple |
Creator-Earth-Humanity and Universe are ONE
If the "Earth Belongs to God"
— Pslam 24,
The Indigenous People Also Know and Say
The Land Beneath Us and
Moral Principles Go Hand-in-Hand
The Hopi Message to the World
More of Their Wisdom
"A partnership exists between Humanity and Nature. When the relationship is optimum, they work for a mutual improvement whose result is a paradise. When Humanity bends Nature out of shape for the purpose of blind self-interest then the result is Hell. Paradise on Earth and Hell on Earth are the two prime options, with a chiaroscuro fan that opens between them. Balance is the trademark of the one end and imbalance is the accelerating condition of the other" — Dog Poet |
"The ancient Greek moral philosopher Aristotle gives an argument "that usury was similar to unnatural sex [see Politics 1.10.1258b]... Thomas Aquinas ...argued that sodomy and usury were both 'sins against nature, in which the very order of nature is violated, an injury done to God himself, who sets nature in order.' Echoing Aquinas, Dante placed sodomites and usurers in the same circle of Hell [circle 7] in The Divine Comedy [Inferno, cantos 15-17]. In his 1935 tract 'Social Credit,' Ezra Pound ...argued that 'usury and sodomy, the Church condemned as a pair, to one hell, the same for one reason, namely that they are both against natural increase.'" Ref. here More on Usury here |
The Resetting of Life
through the (14) Streamlining, (15) Recognizing |
George Washington,
American Founding Father
"The Time is Near at
Hand which Must Determine whether
[Mankind is to be Free or Enslaved]"
"Truth Will Ultimately Prevail Where There is Pains to Bring it
to Light"
"If Freedom of Speech is Taken Away Then Dumb and Silent
We May be Led, Like Sheep to the Slaughter"
"When We Assumed the Soldier, We did Not Lay Aside the Citizen"
"Happiness and Morality are Inseparably Connected"
"Let Us Raise a Standard to which the Wise and Honest Can
the Rest is in the Hands of God"
"It is Far Better to be Alone than in Bad Company"
14. Streamlining the American
Founding Documents |
(a) The Declaration of Independence:
American Declaration of Independence is
Both the Directive, Guideline
and Decree When Humanity Experiences Loss of Freedom
through Tyrannical, Oppressive and Intrusive
(b) The Constitution
In the Recapturing of Life, Liberty and Happiness for All
[as Ordained in the
Declaration of Independence] through the Highest
Form of Anarchy
[Minimalist Governance]
through Points 1
12 Above
Only the Preamble to the
U.S. Constitution is Now Needed:
“We the people of the United States, in order to form
a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic
provide for the common defense, promote the
general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to
and our posterity, do ordain and establish
this Constitution
for the United States of America.”
(c) Bill of Rights
Since Politicians are No Longer Wanted or Needed, and the
Income Tax of the 16th Amendment
was Never Ratified, the Bill of
Rights can now be Shaved back to the
First Ten Amendments
to its Original Form which are Highly Complimentary to the New Form
of Minimalist Governance~
In Conjunction with the Opening Paragraph of the Declaration of
Independence, and the Common Objective of the Opening
Paragraph of the U.S. Constitution~
The Natural and Authentic Freedom of the American Experience
[and Experiment] of Life, Liberty and Happiness Begins~
A Reality We have All Yet to Live, TOGETHER
Recognizing the Authentic American Experience |
The Two Key Pillars of the Happiness of the Colonies:
Pillar One: Morality
Pillar Two: Money
America was Conceived on a Moral Basis of a Moral God
whose Light is of Life, Liberty and Happiness
American Pledge of Allegiance Binds and Strengthens
the Nation to God's Laws, Morals and Values
as a "Nation Under God, Indivisible":
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America, and to the Republic for which it stands,
Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice
for all."
The Praise, Prayer, Glorification and Obedience to God Cannot
be Separated from the Life of the Nation
Safeguarding the American Founding Documents and
Experience |
A Country that had Been Birthed "Under [the Shelter of] God"
The Lesson of the American Experience Tells us we Need a
Vigilant Body
to Uphold and Guard the Two Pillars for the Nation's Happiness:
The Pillar of Money and the Pillar of Morality Under God—
While All Can
Prosper through Life,
Liberty and Happiness
Slave No More
“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you:
God is light; in him there is no darkness at all”
– 1 John 1:5
The Miraculous Rebirth of America
The Human Value Needs Continued
– |
"We are not
Human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual
beings having a human experience"
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
"Essentially, All Holy Books, Sacred Texts and Perennial and Enlightened Knowledge and Wisdom are Life Manuals on How, as Spiritual Beings in a Material World through an Energetic Moral Universe, Not to Descend to Hell. We are guided, for our own Preservation and Good, to Walk the Ascending Path to the Source and Giver of All Life Itself—the Creator God—to find our Way Home through Knowing God—On Earth. |
“I never knew you:
depart from me, ye that work iniquity” –
Matthew 7:23
When You Know What Hell is, You
Will Know What God Is
A Former "Son of the Devil" Speaks
Know the Moral God
on Earth Through
Avenues of–
*Moral Consciousness
Start and End Daily with Prayer for Spiritual Strength,
Protection, Guidance and Light on
Your Path
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father,
who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done;
On Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power and the glory,
For ever and ever.
Our Lady of Grace Prayer
Hail Mary Full of Grace, the Lord is With Thee;
Blessed are Thee Amongst Women, and Blessed
is the Fruit of Thy Womb Jesus;
Holy Mary Mother God, Pray for Us Sinners Now
and at the Hour of our Death.
Divinely Sourced
Beings [as We are] have
their EVERYTHING in the Spiritual
The Rosary is a Spiritual Weapon
by Fr. Don Calloway
on the "Boko Haram")
"The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle gives an argument "that usury was similar to unnatural sex [see Politics 1.10.1258b]... Thomas Aquinas ...argued that sodomy and usury were both 'sins against nature, in which the very order of nature is violated, an injury done to God himself, who sets nature in order.' Echoing Aquinas, Dante placed sodomites and usurers in the same circle of Hell [circle 7] in The Divine Comedy [Inferno, cantos 15-17]. In his 1935 tract 'Social Credit,' Ezra Pound ...argued that 'usury and sodomy, the Church condemned as a pair, to one hell, the same for one reason, namely that they are both against natural increase.'" Ref. here |
Remove the Greatest Harm on the Planet that
Inhibits Our Freedom, and the Expansion
of Our Life, Liberty and Happiness
Before Praying the Rosary, Say This 3 Times:
"The Central Bankers and Their Dark Legions
Are Gone from the Earth"
Who are Also Responsible for the Damage,
Harm, Sterilization and Extinction of
the Human Race
97% of Corona Vaccine Recipients
will Become Infertile
Deep Love Transformation
and The Choosing to Move Ourselves on From the Tares |
Affirm Heaven on Earth
and the God of Light and Life as the Center of Your Life:
Jesus' Teachings of the Two Great Commandments that Contain the Whole Law of God:
“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you:
God is light;
in him there is no darkness at all” –
1 John 1:5
Through the
Archetypal Christ
As He Lived,
Died and
Resurrected in the Physical Dimension
You Are A Divine Light-Love Being Eternal and Immortal
through Your Inherent Full Divinity Awake in the Christ
Close your Eyes and Start Breathing Deeply
with Long, Slow Breaths
The Permeation :
Now Start Feeling-Seeing the
Deep, Divine Golden Love-Light
That is Permeating Every Fiber of Your Being
The Bathing:
Now Start to Feel-See All Your Cells Bathe and Come Alive in
that That Love-Light of Absolute Regeneration
and Perfect Wisdom
The Immortal Regeneration
Become One with that Love-Light and Start
to Feel-See the Effervescent
Joy Rise Up in You
Feel that SMILE Come to Your Face and
the Energy Charge in Your Body
Taking You Higher and
Stay in that Feeling and Experiencing of Life Regenerating
Energy for However Long You Want
The Full Light Radiation
Now Take that Full Awareness of Effervescent Joy
and Life-Regenerating Energy to
to Your Heart Center
Let it Radiate Out Fully~
*to All People Everywhere–See
It, Feel it in Their Being Too
Feel the Caring, Joy, Love and Respect
Between Us All
*to All Animals Everywhere–See
it Feel it in Their Being Too
Feel the Caring, Joy, Love and Respect
*to Nature, the Environment and the Planet Herself
it, Feel it in its Totality –
As One –
We are All One Life Breathing Together
Feel the Caring, Joy, Love and Respect
See it Also on an Energetic Light Level
The Cosmic Extension
As you See-Feel the Rays of Effervescent Caring, Joy,
Love and Respect
Radiate Fully from Your Heart Center~
See The Rays Extend~
*Above the Earth and to the Skies and Beyond
*Right Around Down to the Oceans and All Its Sea Life
*and Further Below the Earth to the Core and Beyond~
NOW Just~
Let it Shine! Let it Shine! Let it Shine!
Rest in Your Breath that All is Deeply Loved
as You are Deeply Loved and Cared for~
Beyond Your Own Imagination
By the Source and Giver of All Life Itself
~Who Made You His Very Own in His Image
The Genesis
“So God
created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he
male and female created he them” – Genesis 1:27
* * *
~Free, Happy, Healthy Together as God Desires
You to Be
Feel it with God~Your Desire is His Desire
Make this Practice Daily and Evolve Yourself and the World to
the Fifth Dimensional
Experience of Joy, Love, Laughter and Amazing New Beginnings
for Self and World
Make it a Group Daily Practice and See a Miraculous Rebirth of
Life, Liberty and Happiness
and the American Experiment Succeed as was Intended by Her
19. A Reality We Have All Yet to Live,
Spirit to His Spirit
~ |
The Morality, Ethics, Values and Teachings of Religion, Moral
and Perennial Philosophy as has been
Given Throughout Time and History is
the Foundation of
Humanity's Spiritual Alignment with the Spirit of
the Christos: The Sacred Heart Consciousness—of the
Christ-God-Unity-Source-Energy—is Our
Highest Existence of Oneness and Unity with All Life
with our Creator God on Earth. It is the doorway to an
even greater freedom "to do" on our Wondrous and Sacred Planet:
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father" — John 14:12 The Matchstick and the Phosphorous Analogy: "The matchstick is the Bible, and the Phosphorous is the Christ: Light the match in the right place—the phosphorous" — Kelly-Marie Kerr Your Spirit to His Spirit: "Encapsulate the Spirit of the Christ and walk the path that He walked" — Max Igan, "Our World is a Mirror" |
The Spiritual Alignment of the Nation Begins
Against the
Devil Worshipping
Usurious Central Bankers
George Washington at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 1777
The Forward Direction of the Human Race
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
The bloodiest battle in the
American Civil War with 165,000 soldiers fighting over
three days with an |
The All Important Second Re-Alignment of the
Nation with / for God and Humanity
Jul 1, 1863 –
Jul 3, 1863
have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the
financial institutions
in the rear.
the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe"
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Delivering the "Gettysburg
Address" at the Dedication of the Soldiers'
National Cemetery Four and a Half Months after the Union Armies Defeated
those of the Confederacy at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1--3, 1863
Gettysburg Address, Pennsylvania,
November 19, 1863
"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought
forth on this continent a new nation: conceived in
liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men
are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war. . .testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated. . . can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate. . .we cannot consecrate. . . we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us. . .that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion [underline added]. . . that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain. . . that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom. . . and that government of the people. . .by the people. . .for the people. . . shall not perish from the earth. " |
Union Forward Under God
"That we
here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.
. . that this nation,
under God, shall have a new birth of freedom. . . and that government of
the people. . .
by the people. . .for the people. . . shall not perish from the
earth. "
The Third and Final Re-Alignment with
God and Humanity
Bring America Back into Spiritual Re-Alignment for a Secured
Victory this
Time Around
Directed on America's
Great Double-Sided Seal
Banks Begone!
The Authentic New Normal:
Life With and Without the Central
Bank and Tax
Return America [New
Communities for the Earth] Back to Her Rightful
Christian Founding, Universal Principles, Freedom, Liberty and
Rights of Her Founding Documents
Install a New Paper Currency System that Attaches
to Itself No Usurious Lending, War, Debt and Other
Nefarious Schemes that Hurt the Well Being
of Humanity and the Planet
Money and Morality: The Two Pillars of Life,
Liberty and Happiness
3. Create and Install
a Vigilant Body to Protect the Two Pillars of Money
Morality which Enables the Authentic Life of the Nation
The Importance of Not Turning Towards Sin!
Sin Rots and Destroys from Within
Leaving America Open
to a Full Foreign Invasion and Total Inner Destruction
4. Revive all Moral, Civil, Individual,
Economic and
a Quality
Educational Life
Invite American Ingenuity, Creativity and Invention in
Harmony with the Earth to Phase Out
Highly Harmful, Dangerous
and Damaging
Controlling Cell Phones
and Cell Towers
How You are Being Weaponized Against
Remove All Other Harmful and Life Damaging
Technology to Nature and Life
The Global Insanity of Wind Farms
U n d e r G o d
— U N I O N F o r w a r d
Humanity Unify Under God and
Become the Rightful
and Legitimate Stewards of the Planet
and Her People
As the Earth Supports Us in a Caring Manner, We
are Also to Support the Earth in a Caring
Manner with All of Nature
* * *
Catch the Spirit
Together, "We are Our Brother's Keeper"
— regardless of Any
Religion, Color or Creed in the Charitable Spirit
of the
Good Samaritan
— Luke 10: 30-37
"An Angel Upon Whose Head Shone the Word 'UNION'"
"One Nation Under God" Painting by McNaughton
"Let Every Child of the Republic Learn to Live
for his God, his Land and Union.”
In the Courageous Effort
to Shed the Tares
as has Been the
Authentic Brave
American Quest, and Fulfilling the Victory of the Third Vision
Given in the
Prophecy to George Washington
We All Go
Union Forward Under God
How it Began |
How the Nation Evolved to a Greater Unity |
How the Nation Returns to The Light |
Betsy Ross 13-Star-Constellation War for Independence from the Financial Tyrants Flag Representing the 13 American Colonies and the Birth of the Union "Under God" | "Old Glory" — The 50-Star American Flag Representing the 50 States of the Union and the 13 Red & White Stripes Representing the 13 Colonies that Declared Independence from Foreign Tyrannical Bankster Rule | "New Glory" — America and All Humanity Fulfilled and Victorious in the Over-Arching Interconnecting Sacred Earth Universal Principles of Love-Beauty-Truth-Wisdom-Justice where Each is the Other—Forever and Eternal, Above all Borders — "As Above, So Below." |
General George Washington
"For God and For Country"
"So when a great man dies For years beyond our ken
The light he leaves behind him Lies upon the paths of men"
Planet Liberation
View it, Feel it, Ask for it, Pray for it
Do It For the Children
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They Have Suffered Far
Too Long in the
Financial Parasitic Usury Order
of Perpetual War, Starvation and Other Unimaginable Horrors
Union Forward Under God for the Higher
Consciousness and System of the Human Race
The Removing of Ourselves from Bad Company
"It is Far Better to be Alone than
in Bad Company" —
George Washington
Be Alone with Us!
The Binding Elements of Coherence
for a Virtuous System
2. A Virtuous System in Play
3. Praying the
Christ-Infused Spiritual
Weapon for Vanquishing Evil
The Source of
Your Self-Governance
4. Daily Communing with your Divine
Inner Light-Law
and Human 'Being' with Devotional Zeal;
Safekeep America's True, Manifest Destiny
and Place Holder in the World with the
with the New Glory Flag
A Reality We Have
All Yet to Live, TOGETHER
Humanity has Been a
Host for Parasitic Evil for Far Too
there is a good system, even evil men cannot do evil,
but when there
is no good system, even good men may not do good, they may be
forced to do evil"
Deng Xiaoping
It's Love's Turn on the Planet—Through
a Higher System Aligned to Our Higher Nature
Cultivating a Direct Inner Connection
with God through Outer Behavior
"Watch and Fight and Pray"
Through the Streamlined Model of
America's Incorruptible
True Self Under
“… We shall harness for God the energies of love
and then, for a second time
in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire”
— Pierre Teilhard
de Chardin
And, So Be it, in the Love of Jesus
"Love Baby Love"
Louis Armstrong
— Out of the Mouths of Babes
All You Have to Do is See Clearly!
The Earth is Designed for Us to Know God
When we acknowledge, recognize, praise, celebrate, let go in
Christ, God,
and our own Divinity in all that we are and do, we are not in a place
of our own ego—but
of bliss, ecstaticness and right rule
As the Delphic Injunction Says:
"Know Thyself"
Our Whole Purpose on Earth is to Know God
and to Know Ourselves
Can Start Here
"What Does it Mean to be Born of Water and Spirit?"
— Swedenborg and Life
Do It All for Liberty