“Yea, ye took
up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan,
figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you
away beyond Babylon.” -- Acts: 7:43
"Let Us Raise a Standard to
which the Wise and Honest
Can Repair; the Rest is in the Hands of God" -- George Washington
“I have said that the
Declaration of Independence is
the ring-bolt to the chain of your nation’s destiny; so, indeed,
I regard it. The principles contained in that instrument are
saving principles. Stand by those principles, be true to them
on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at
whatever cost”
Frederick Douglass
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that
all men are created
equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness"
the American Declaration of Independence
How it Began
How the Nation Evolved to a Greater
How the Nation Returns to The Light
Betsy Ross 13-Star-Constellation War for Independence
from the Financial Tyrants Flag Representing the 13 American Colonies and the Birth
of the Union "Under God"
"Old Glory"
— The 50-Star American Flag
Representing the 50 States of the Union and the 13 Red &
White Stripes Representing the 13 Colonies that Declared
Independence from Foreign Tyrannical Bankster Rule
"New Glory"
— America and All Humanity
Fulfilled and Victorious in the Over-Arching Interconnecting Sacred
Earth Universal Principles of
Love-Beauty-Truth-Wisdom-Justicewhere Each is the Other—Forever
and Eternal, Above all Borders for All Humanity
— "As Above, So Below" —
"Heaven on Earth"
“For though we walk in the flesh,
we do not war after the flesh:
4(For the weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of
strong holds;)
5Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of
God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the
obedience of Christ” – 2
Corinthians 10:3
through Jesus' Name —
As Jesus Explains His Relationship with God
Taking a child, He set before them, and taking him in His arms,
He said to them, 'Whoever receives one child like this in my
name, receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me,
but Him who sent me" --
Source link
That tells us that Jesus is the incarnate Spirit or Word of God
on Earth--where God is able to receive YOU directly in Heaven.
"In the Name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit"
"Our Holy Father
who art
in Heaven, in the most precious blood of Jesus Christ who we
take as our Lord and Savior of our lives and souls, on Earth make way on
Earth right now for us to obey the Two Great Commandments that
your Chosen Son—who is your Word in flesh come down to us,
Chosen and Beloved by you and who we are to listen to as you
said to obey your two Great Commandments that makes us greater
than who we are by LOVING YOU with all our heart, mind, soul and
being, and so doing we surrender our will in Yours and treat our
fellow human being as we would like to be treated ourselves.
Thank you for all You have given and done for us in your
protection and blessings—as the Children of the Most High, You
our Glorious Father we are on bended knees to you. Please clear
away all that is unnatural to our bodies and all that is
unnatural to the Earth--in the skies, the seas, the ground and
the underground--and all that is unnatural and harmful for us to
create the Reality of Your Love on this beautiful Planet you
have created for us to take our Consciousness of Love and Your
Light higher with You and with our fellow Human beings. In
Jesus' name Amen."
The Two Great
Commandments Jesus Gave Us
34 Hearing
that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got
together.35 One of
them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:36 “Teacher, which is
the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus
replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c]38 This is
the first and greatest commandment.39 And
the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]40 All the Law and the
Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22
We call on and pray to the God of Humanity, our Heavenly Father,
His Angels, our Lady of Grace, the Blessed Mother Mary, and
through the saving redemption of Christ, Jesus, our Lord and
Savior of our Sacred Earth and souls whose personal sacrifice,
Resurrection and mission on Earth physically conquered 3D death
and freed our souls to do the same in a new reality to ground
Heaven on Earth through his teachings and example of spirit and
the Prophets before Him from all Satanic bondage, both inner,
personal, and outer world enslavement, deceit, strife and
suffering on our Planet.
We, Humanity, declare our causes for our appeal and petition of
prayer to our Supreme and Universal God of Life, Liberty and
Rights for the removal of the unwanted, harmful colonization of
the Earth and the institution of our natural and spiritual
evolutionary way on the Planet, TOGETHER, as One Human Family
without borders or barriers:
1. We, The People and true, compassion-empathy-humane
Light-Love-Truth based inhabitants of the Planet Earth endowed
with a God-given greater purpose and destiny, DID NOT CONSENT to
the Military-Industrial Complex of the Eisenhower Administration
in the 1950s to agree to a contract with Aliens for their dark
and harmful technology to both humans and Planet in exchange for
human abduction, experimentation, extermination and abuse. We
certainly also did not consent to the stealing of our children
for the same purpose;
2. We, The People and true, compassion-empathy-humane
Light-Love-Truth based inhabitants of Planet Earth endowed with
a God-given greater purpose and destiny, DID NOT CONSENT to the
creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and other like
institutions elsewhere to steal the quality, well being and
progress of Human life through changing the purpose of money
from simply a medium of exchange to an object to be perpetually
sought after, to destabilize economies, to impoverish people, to
cause hunger, starvation, famine, refugees and to change
America’s Peace economy of the 1950s to a perpetual War economy
stealing our essence and feeding off our blood, sweat and tears
to fund perpetual wars, weapons and waste on both sides of the
divide at the expense of all Life on the Planet.
3. We, The People and true, compassion-empathy-humane
Light-Love-Truth based inhabitants of Planet Earth endowed with
a greater God-given purpose and destiny, DID NOT CONSENT to
monolithic and monopoly corporations to hijack, harm and destroy
the natural processes of our Planet as well as the natural
processes of our miraculous human bodies and the natural Earth
through the vast complex of the harmful to Earth and all Life
modification and climate-geoengineering behemoth and
colonization of Planet Earth.
4. We, The People and true, compassion-empathy-humane
Light-Love-Truth based inhabitants of Planet Earth endowed with
a greater purpose and destiny, DID NOT CONSENT to factory and
fur farms, and all other manner of cruelty and inhumanity to
both animals and Humans and the immense harm being done to the
ecology of the Planet both below ground through strip mining and
fracking, above ground through the decimation of our forests and
ecosystems, and in our skies through spraying harmful and cancer
causing chemicals, heavy metals, soil destroying substances,
disease and nano particles. We also did not consent to the
destruction of our wildlife and the polluting and depleting of
our oceans and seas, and the willful harming of our cetaceans
and other ocean life.
5. As The People and true, compassion-empathy-humane
Light-Love-Truth based inhabitants of Planet Earth endowed with
a God-given greater purpose and destiny DO CONSENT to
calling on Divine Providence to lend a hand and make the
conditions right for Humanity to SEPARATE from our dreadful
predicament, and the Planet’s dreadful predicament with us so
that we are able to UNIFY as One Human Race in the natural
Divine blueprint of Unity in Diversity of all cultures, wisdom
traditions and peoples as well as our indigenous brothers and
sisters of the Earth and Nature’s own Biodiversity of the Planet
to expand our happiness, our appreciation, our wisdom, our
knowledge, our higher frequencies and evolutionary potential
TOGETHER with the Planet where our minds and bodies are brought
together through our divinely empowered Hearts in
fulfilling the Pyramid of Human Needs* through a help all, harm
none ethic where Thy Will of Heaven on Earth is done—a Paradise
"Just as Gates installed an operating system in our computers,
now the vision is to install
an operating system in our bodies and use "viruses" to mandate an initial
installation followed by regular updates ...."
['variants" and other made-up viruses]
“Which brings me back to you
and me. Why are we calling these formulations
“vaccines”? If I understand the history of case law,
vaccines, in legal terms, are medicine. Intentional
heavy metal poisoning is not medicine. Injectible
surveillance components are not medicine. Injectible
credit cards are not medicine. Injectible brain-machine
interface is not a medicine. Immunity for insurance
companies is not the creation of human immunity.
“We need to stop allowing
these concoctions to be referred to by a word that the
courts and the general population define and treat as
medicine and protect from legal and financial liability.
“The perpetrators of this
fraud are trying a very neat trick–one that will help
them go much faster and cancel out a lot of risk at our
death, disease and expense. I understand why they are
doing it.
“What I don’t understand is
why we are helping them. Why are we acquiescing in
calling these bizarre and deeply dangerous concoctions
“vaccines”? Whatever they are, they are not medicine.
“So, what shall our naming
convention be? What name shall we give to the relevant
poisons, neurological damaging metals and digital
“Whatever we call them, I
In Cahoots with Satan, They
Derive Their Power
from Aliens and Their Dark Technology
"People should wake up to the truth that never in the
history of our planet has a small group of incredibly
evil parasites managed to manipulate and control peoples
thoughts and actions without having to use brute force.
Lies, just like in the garden of Eden. And people
wonder why this world is in such a state of disarray and
confusion. Aside from throwing out our televisions
and ripping down our cell towers and returning to the
God of our forefathers I hold very little hope for
humanity." Article
If You Have a
Conscience for Palestine, then you are
Aligned with the Two
Great Commandments of God:
34 Hearing
that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got
together.35 One
of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this
question:36 “Teacher, which is the greatest
commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus
replied: “‘Love
the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind.’[c]38 This
is the first and greatest commandment.39 And
the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]40 All the Law
and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22