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“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,
 but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
  Matthew 7:15

* * *

The Betrayal Begins

Lowkey Exposes Donald Trump


Choice of Globalist Water Boy John Thune as Senate Majority
 Leader a Slap in the Face to 73 million Trump Voters

Donald Trump and Orwell's Double Think

"This is Not the Trump he Said he Would Be" -- Gerald Celente
 with Judge Andrew Nepalitano

The End of Globalism with Trump?
See Susan Bradford's Book

Trump Enters Office 'OWNED by Israel'
 with Belligerent Cabinet

“Here is the smoking gun on who is the causa proxima of the diabolical
 reality carte blanche illegal migration crisis. It is curious indeed
 that Trump or any of the Zios like Ted Cruz never mentions
 these grifters, ever”

Trumpthe Jewish Messiah and America


No Hand on Christian Bible for Highest Office in Land

This Explains It
A Baal Worshipper

Trump's False Claims to be a Christian

Donald Drumpf's Background in Chabad Lubavitch

That Means he Replaces Christ
 as the Anti-Christ (?)

A Satanic Jew Narrative in Hallucinogenic Thinking

Trump Condones the Genocide in Gaza


The Expansion of Territory of Demonic Israel

"Behind Every Idol There is a Demon" Hugo Talks

Trump Belongs to Chabad

Oh Boy, Team Satan

* * *


Traitor Trump Poses as a Savior to America
[but is Really Savior to the Satanic Jews and their Fake Israel]

Trump is the Fake Resistance to the

 Tyrannical Regime in U.S.

"If there was ever any doubt concerning Trump's relationship with the Jews, this should clear it up.
 Bombing Iran's nuclear facilities would be a horrible environmental and human catastrophe.
 IMO, Trump is totally controlled by the Jews. I am now black-pilled."
 Article here

 BUT!  In Reality Trump has Been Crowned
 the Jewish Messiah!

Which Means:

He will Do the Jews Bidding TO KILL
Rabbi Mizrachi

Like Trump, this Woman has Clearly Sold her Soul

STOP the Ghastly and Horrific Genocide in Palestine


(1) Chris Hedges

See 8:38 for Alan Shebaro

(2) "There's Nothing More American than Speaking
 Out Against What is Wrong"

 -- Alan Shebaro, 3rd Special Forces Group, McKinney, Texas


Judaism's Destructive Mission

--And They Are a Race of Their Own













Trump Could have Pardoned his January 6 Supporters and Julian Assange.

  Instead he pardoned a fellow Chabad Gangster, Kosher Meat-Packer,

 Rabbi Shalom Rabushkin who
  Served only 9 Years of his
   27 Year Sentence


Trump is Clearly of the Baal Jew

The Threats of the Baal Jew

Trump's Coded Talk


“Owned. Man of the People??
Man of Tel Aviv, by Tel Aviv,
 for Tel Aviv”
 – David Icke

"David Icke in his interview with a French Rothschild offspring learned that the Illuminati [Children of the Devil] employed unorthodox means to increase the population of [Satanic] Jews.

"Phillip Eugene Rothschild said he was conceived by "occult incest" and was "one of the hundreds of thousands of both legitimate and illegitimate offspring of this powerful financial and OCCULT family." [emphasis added]

"Much of this is done artificially through Illuminati sperm banks. What Phillip says is confirmation of Icke's research, as outlined in The Biggest Secret, that the main Reptilian bloodlines
[emphasis added] conceive countless children to perpetuate the bloodline and only a few are given the bloodline name as official children. The others are hidden behind other names and brought up by other parents."    Article here

They All Come to You in the Political System as a Jew
Both Covert and Overt

"Make America Under Satan"

And This is What Satanists Do
to the Rest of Us

It's All in the Trump Family

The Cult She is in with her Husband, Jared Kushner and
 Father, Donald Trump with the Rest of Them

(a 16th-century painting of Jews desecrating the Host)

Jews were accused of colluding with Mongol invaders on the Eastern frontiers. They were just as likely to desecrate a church, murder Christian infants in secret, spread poisons with the wind, or practice infamous sexual perversities. 

"The catalogue of alleged Jewish crimes is long and varied indeed, and wholly unreasonable." writes Trachtenberg, "unless we accept the self-evident fact that, in medieval eyes, that as Satan's agents, nothing was beyond the depraved and evil nature of the Jews." (43) 

For many, this Illuminati Jewish threat seems more urgent today, with the demoralization of mankind and the creation of the police state. Article here


"A terrible mysterious Jewish horde hidden somewhere in the East awaited the signal to pour out upon Christendom and annihilate it.

The rumours of the birth of the Antichrist ...after the thirteenth century, kept Europe on edge awaiting the bloody outbreak of the 'red Jews'" .... (40) 

What the American Founding Fathers said about the Jews.


Trump is in Cahoots with Joe Biden

Trump Calls for Resignation of Ilhan Omar in Congress
for Telling Americans the Truth About
Their Hijacked Government

Starts at About:  3:00

Cynthia McKinney Did as Well
and They Forced her Out

Why They are Ginning Up Enemies for WWIII

FEMA Camps and the Chinese Android Army

Trump's function as false opposition is to make sure US
 patriots support [Satanic, Anti-Christ] Israel
 instead of American interests.

“Masonic agents on both sides will produce a catastrophic war that will allow the satanist NWO to emerge like a phoenix from the ashes. The reason the media has become more receptive to conservative opinions is because only Trump can dupe  (emphasis added) Americans into fighting another war for Israel.”  Source

No Separation of State and Synagogue

Loyal to and Led by the Ones in Black Hats

Both Putin and Trump are Crypto Jews

[Putin in his prior career was also the Communist
 KGB Chief, remember?]

Putin is the Great False Opposition
 Pretender for the Jews

There are TEN FLIGHTS from Israel to Russia Everyday!

Chief Chabad Rabbi of Russia & Putin's personal Rabbi, Berel Lazar:  

"Bibi Netanyahu was in Moscow four times this year. There are 10 flights every day,
 Moscow-Tel Aviv....a lot of business....Everything that's happening in Syria,
it's fully coordinated between Israel & Russia."

The Genocide of the Slavs as They Did in

Known Previously as Yugoslavia

Ukraine War is Slavic Genocide
by Jewish Design

Like Zelensky -- Putin Sends Untrained Teenage Boys to War"

[to Die in Their Satanic Depopulation-Human Extinction Event of Course]

"One grieving Russian mother has risked arrest by demanding from Putin why her untrained conscript son, 18, was killed in the war, as she accused the autocrat of lying.

"Elena Shumilova, mother of Valentin Shumilov, wrote to Putin saying she no longer 'respected' him: 'Explain to me, the mother of a conscript, how did my son die? You shout loudly that conscripts do not fight, but their mothers keep burying them.' -- Article here

Gov. Greg Abbott and the Texas Border Charade

For Your Eyes Only — Trump Without a Mask

What is Donald Trump's Place in the Big Picture?

"Trump is Jewish, according to his own brother.

"Trump has been put into power in order to help create a Greater Israel, and, in order to help the Jewish billionaires.

"Israeli settlers and their American evangelical supporters are among the invitees to Donald Trump's presidential inauguration" --
Article here

"Christian Zionists are Scum and Useful Idiots"
-- Benjamin Netanyahu

The World Satanic System of Each Country


A horrendous genocide of Palestinians
 by the demonic state of Israel

What he Warp Sped in for you

Self-Sacrificing Active Duty Member of USAF
 has warned you
about what will be
normal in America as well
by the ruling class

Donald J Trump is a 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason! They are the Luciferian illuminati masonic synagogue of Satan that oppresses tortures and kills civilians and children! Qanon is a Luciferian illuminati masonic synagogue of Satan psyop!  Kabbalism is Luciferianism!  Remember that! But operation warp speed has caused many sudden deaths and many more to be permanently disabled! Treason and mass murder and genocide!

"If Trump Unleashing The Bioweapon and Pimping Weren’t Enough,
 Look At Who He Was Investing In During The Plandemic:

 "Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Etc."

"Those responsible for unleashing Operation Warp Speed and the COVID "pandemic" at large will continue lying to the people about what is going on, even as it is going on. They will pretend as though they only tried to "help" when the reality is that they unleashed a mass genocide event that is taking several years to fully manifest.

"If these people would now go out and say, 'Yeah, wait a minute, we have been making some mistakes, it wasn't all right, we have to correct them, we have to revise our opinion,' these people will be stoned in the streets," Bossche added."  Article here


Satanic Israel is a Haven for International Criminals and Deviants

Including Those who Did 9/11

Wars and Taxes for Their Blood Sacrifices

16th Amendment

All Wars are Jewish Satanic Central Banker Wars

for the Murder, Death, Torture and Killing of Other Human Beings

Target Iran -- the Next War for Satanic Israel

Militias or Standing Armies?

Trump Set a Trap for the January 6 Patriot Protesters who he has Left Rotting in Jail

and to be Sentenced by a Non-American Judge

(what you don't know HARMS you)

From a reader--

Recently on the net there is information regarding Peter Navarro receiving a 4 month prison sentence from judge Amit Mehta; who is an Obama appointed judge . Well; Mehta also sentenced the leader of theOath Keepers  to 18 years imprisonment for the so called "insurrection" on Capitol hill on Jan 06,2003. I did some research on  Mehta and found that the family came to America from India ; Amit was one year old  back then; his mother worked in the U.S. as lab technician and his father was an engineer. I was informed by an associate that they (Mehta) never became American citizens because if they were to  convert they automatically lose their Indian citizenship. Amit was educated and degreed in U.S. schools and universities and received a law license in the state of Maryland. Problem with all of this is; how can a non -citizen become a judge here in America?  I would appreciate your response.  Article here


Israeli Army Allowed to Attack You on American
 Soil with Chemical Weapons

American Freedom Must Run Both Ways


In and For Christ [Sakes]

[the Peace Planet Party Way]






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